Hao Bang Ah! Snake

“Hao Bang Ah!” is a common Chinese expression meaning “Great!” or “Well done!” Each year, Chinese Theatre Works celebrates the Lunar New Year season with an original “budaixi” traditional Chinese glove-puppetry production that features the twelve animals of the Chinese Zodiac. This year’s show stars the Snake, who presides over a jolly selection of wild puppet skits, dances, popular songs, and well-known Chinese sayings that celebrate the wit and wisdom of the zodiac animals.

Special guests include the Lady White Snake and other all-star members of the zodiac puppet ensemble. A hands-on post show demonstrations will make the Chinese bilingual cultural experience accessible to even the youngest audience members.

Program Requirements:
Hao Bang Ah! Snake! can be performed inside or outside. Performing show requires are a 12’x15’ performance space. The production has a flexible runtime of about 35 minutes

Production Credits:
Written and Directed by: Kuang-Yu Fong and Stephen Kaplin

Puppet Design and Construction by: Stephen Kaplin, Neda Kazemifar, Harrison Greene

Performers: Kuang-Yu Fong, Stephen Kaplin, Jing Shan, Harrison Greene