Climbing the Gold Mountain premiered at Henry Street Settlement’s Harry De Jur Playhouse in 1998. It recounts tales of the Chinese immigrant experience, as they struggle to make a living on “Gold Mountain” (the Chinese term for America,) working in factories, sweatshops, schools, subways, restaurants and offices. Three generations of New York City’s Chinese community recount their stories of dreams, nightmares, hopes and realities, filtered through live music, dance, Chinese Opera puppetry, masks and English texts.
Climbing Gold Mountain (Premiere 1998)
Production Credits:
Writers, Directors: Kuang-Yu Fong, Stephen Kaplin
Puppet Design: Stephen Kaplin
Performers: Richard Chang, Xiaoli Tan, Jadin Wang, Xinlai Li, Xinli, Li, Yuliang Gong
Music: Yun Xie, Wade Newbern, Jirong Tang